
Wedding invitations, dresses and decorations for a big day that’s as you as it can be

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    Learn More About Weddings

    Bring your vision for your dream wedding to life with help from talented wedding designers and creators on Etsy. With an expert focus on bringing your unique wedding theme to life, celebrating your personal love story, and helping you to create an unforgettable experience, the independent sellers on Etsy know how special your big day is to you and your partner.

    Use Etsy’s search and filter options to home in on your style preferences. You can filter your results by handmade or vintage, estimated arrival date, and the shop location to find unique wedding decorations like centerpieces, arches, and table runners or one-of-a-kind wedding jewelry. You can also find special wedding accessories like vintage veils, matching bridal sets, or custom flower crowns for your adorable flower girl.

    Shops on Etsy also sell clothing for weddings, from guest attire to custom suits and one-of-a-kind wedding dresses, and finishing touches to fit your signature style and make your wedding day dreams come true.

    If you’re looking for trendy options and high-quality designs, filter your search using Etsy’s Pick or Star Seller selections to see featured items from shops that have consistently exceeded customer expectations. With one-of-a-kind wedding decoration designs, customizable options, and an elevated shopping experience, the passionate wedding designers and creators on Etsy understand the significance of your big day and work with you to create an experience you’ll remember fondly for a lifetime.

    Whether you’re looking for vintage wedding cards, custom wedding invitations and save-the-dates, or completely customizable, you’ll find extraordinary options for wedding invitations and paper around every corner as you browse shops on Etsy.

    Find those unique details you’re after, like modern something-blue options, personalized gifts and mementos or bridesmaid proposal ideas to make your experience full of sentimental moments and cherished memories.

    If you’re looking for inspiration for your upcoming wedding, the expert designers on Etsy keep up with emerging wedding season trends and offer the most modern and contemporary elements for a fresh, vibrant ceremony and celebration. Below are some of the most popular wedding trends you’ll discover:

    • Bold colors: Modern wedding color trends are full of vibrant hues. Jewel-toned bridesmaid dresses, color-block floral arrangements, or brightly-patterned wedding shoes bring of sense of playfulness to your nuptials. Look for bridal party attire in bright shades of pink, orange, or yellow for a trendy outdoor wedding look. Try out some colored wedding dresses to break out of the traditional white box and make a statement that feels authentic and glamorous.
    • Black wedding elements: White weddings aren’t the only option for modern couples. Black-themed wedding elements add unique drama and sophistication. Complete the look with a stunning black engagement ring and a black wedding gown.
    • Embroidered veils: A soft and delicate embroidered veil is a popular option for creative brides. These veils are a great way to add visual interest to a simple, classic gown. Commission a designer on Etsy to create a hand-embroidered veil featuring your favorite flowers or a gold-embroidered hemline that sparkles under the dance floor lights.
    • Moissanite rings: If you’re looking for an engagement or wedding ring that's extra sparkly and ultra-trendy, check out Moissanite rings. Moissanite is an extremely popular choice as a budget-friendly alternative to diamonds. They’re also extra-durable and resistant to chipping.
    • Retro wedding cakes: A fun trend that started with simple elopement celebrations, retro-inspired 1950s wedding cake decorations add a quaint charm to your big day, whether you’re headed to a traditional reception or an intimate celebration after an elopement. Top them with retro and custom cake toppers in vibrant hues. Fun patterns, shapes, and decorative elements on retro wedding cakes add a creative touch to your reception, keeping the mood light and festive.
    • Convertible wedding dresses: A bridal dress that transforms easily into multiple looks adds extra drama and makes for a show-stopping entrance to each segment of your celebration. Transformable wedding dresses typically feature removable layers, sleeves, and other elements that switch up your look through the day and evening, depending on the events you have planned.

    A wedding theme or style is the overall feel, aesthetic, and decorative throughline that gives a cohesive feel to your big day. Deciding on a wedding theme can help you make other choices for your wedding ceremony, including big decisions like your venue, invitations, and bridesmaids gowns, along with smaller decisions like your reception centerpieces, guest favors, and table settings.

    For example, you can express the sense of freedom and adventure you share as a couple with an eclectic boho wedding that features earthy touches, natural fabrics and materials, wildflowers, and colorful vintage decor. Or opt for a romantic wedding theme with soft, ethereal touches like pale pinks, big blooms, gold and rose gold accents, and glittering lighting. Or go for a modern theme with sleek decor, monochrome design elements, and a clean and simple overall look.

    Often, the wedding theme you choose will inspire your color schemes. For example, a beachy wedding theme may lead you toward soft blues, greens, and sandy beiges or a garden party theme may inspire you to fill an outdoor venue with gorgeous pastel colors of spring.

    To choose your wedding theme, start by drawing inspiration from your love story. Think about your favorite activities, hobbies, and memories together. Consider things like your ideal wedding outfit, bridesmaid dresses, and flowers. While a wedding theme can lead you to these decisions, if you already have these elements in mind, you can bring them together to create a unique wedding theme that showcases your personality and partnership.