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Case Study: How to Bring Buyers Back

After parting ways with her business partner, this maker’s revamped customer service strategy helped her start fresh on Etsy.

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Repeat buyers and 5-star reviews are good indicators that you’re providing a positive customer experience from start to finish in your shop. On Etsy, buyers that leave a 5-star rating are more likely to come back and shop from you than buyers leaving lower ratings.* Plus, positive reviews also get you one step closer to earning a Star Seller badge—making it easier for shoppers on Etsy to know you have a proven record of providing an excellent customer experience.

In this case study, read tips from an experienced seller on building buyer loyalty, encouraging 5-star reviews, and organizing your shop intuitively based on customer feedback.

The Problem

Sharon Roberts had no prior experience in the home fragrance world when a friend approached her about making candles together. “It was a very random question at the time,” says the UK-based seller. “But I just went with it.” After a couple of years running their candle business, the two parted ways. Sharon was left with a newfound passion for candle-making and knew she couldn’t give it up. In 2019, Sharon opened the Etsy shop Herma May.

Though she was thrilled to launch her project, transitioning to a one-person operation had its challenges. Moving the business to a different platform meant establishing an entirely new fanbase of loyal buyers. Plus, in a competitive product market, she needed her shop to stand out from the rest. Luckily, her previous endeavor had taught her that above-and-beyond customer service was key for making an impression on shoppers and motivating them to return.

The Solution

Armed with extensive market research and learnings from her first business venture, Sharon mapped out a strategy that would help build customer loyalty to her new and improved shop.

Make shopping easy

As Sharon prepped Herma May for opening day, she analyzed her page meticulously. “It begins from the moment they visit your Etsy shop,” she says. “I think about all the questions that might be in the customer’s head and make sure my page and listings answer them.” Sharon uses shop sections to organize her collection so it’s easy for shoppers to find the type of product they’re looking for.

Once they land on the listing they’re most interested in, Sharon ensures the description answers any questions that might pop up. She goes into great detail describing her fragrances so buyers get a clear sense of what the item might smell like when it arrives. She also shares inspiration for ways to use the item and which occasions or holidays to gift it for. “Sometimes people are just browsing and might not make the connection between your product and that upcoming baby shower or wedding they need a gift for,” Sharon says. “It’s a good idea to remind them and give them ideas.”

Answer ASAP

One thing Sharon set out to investigate when doing her market research was how soon customers expect a response. “I read that customers expect you to answer a message within half an hour or an hour at the most,” she says. “So I try to answer any queries as quickly and as thoroughly as possible.” After shipping each order, Sharon thanks the customer for their purchase and for supporting her business. And if there are any problems or delays with an order, Sharon is quick to message the buyer with an update to help keep them informed and avoid confusion.

Add little extras for big payoffs

Sharon also noticed that some of her competitors were sending out free samples of their fragrances with each order. She gave this a shot and it wasn’t long before she started reaping the rewards. In addition to helping entice shoppers to buy other products, this thoughtful touch gave her an opportunity to build individual connections with customers. “Some people ask me about several fragrances because they’re having trouble deciding,” says Sharon. “So if they pick one, I include a sample of the other in their package.” Sharon also finds that adding little extras like these is an effective way to develop buyer relationships.

Set them up for success

It may seem obvious that you want your customer to have the best possible experience with your product, but shoppers may not always know how. That’s why Sharon includes a “customer care card” in every order, with clear instructions on how to use each item correctly and efficiently. “You shouldn’t assume that people know how to use a product,” Sharon says. “It’s good to have something they can refer back to if they need to.” At the bottom of each card, Sharon thanks the customer for their purchase and invites them to contact her with any questions.

Bring the “wow” factor

Sharon was confident in the quality of her collection, but she knew impressive packaging could give her that extra boost to help win customers over. “I’m always trying to do things a little bit differently,” she says. “So if somebody comes across my store, they think, ‘Oh, I’ve not seen something wrapped like that before,' and it piques their interest because it’s unique.” Sharon packs her products in elegant boxes and tissue paper with customized stickers and labels to evoke the luxury feel of her brand.

Since Sharon already goes the extra mile to package her items, Herma May items are always ready to gift at no extra cost to the buyer. Whether her customers are buying for others or for themselves, her goal is that every package makes an impact. “You want them to look at the product and think, ‘Wow, there’s so much that’s gone into this,” says Sharon. “I want my products to be the whole package.”

Go above and beyond

When shipping mishaps or delays happen, Sharon handles them with grace. If something goes missing or gets damaged in transit, she responds with a solution swiftly. One customer was particularly upset because the wax melt burner they ordered got smashed during the shipping process. Though it was the courier’s fault and not Sharon’s, she issued a full refund. “I had to take full responsibility,” she says. “I think you have to allow for those situations. They’re buying from you so you’ve got to make sure that you deal with any issues in the best way you can.”

The Results

Sharon’s steadfast commitment to her customers paid off. Equal parts empathy and attention to detail, her approach helped her cultivate meaningful, lasting relationships with buyers. With multiple rave reviews and repeat customers, her home fragrance shop has become a destination for mindful gifts that encourage moments of comfort and reflection.

One of the biggest lessons Sharon has learned is to never underestimate the impact of even her smaller efforts. “Little things, like addressing questions or issues quickly and adding small gifts, just show that you actually care about each sale,” she says. “You don’t just want the money in the bank, so to speak. You want to give the full customer service experience.”

Get more tips from Sharon on the Etsy Success podcast.

Return to the Ultimate Guide to Creating a Great Customer Experience

*Based on same-shop repeat purchase rate data between Jan 2020 and Dec 2020

Avatar image for Etsy Staff Words by Etsy Staff

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