July 14, 2021 | 5 minute read

Goal Getters: How These Sellers Achieved Greatness

Plus, a sneak peek of our newest TV ad celebrating #GreatnessInTheMaking.

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Every day, you’re out there, making magic, putting your heart and soul into every creation, sketching, building, sewing, hammering. You’re doing it all, and you’re an inspiration to all—especially the Etsy team.

We know this road is not always an easy one, but you’ve stuck with it and we will continue to cheer you on every step of the way. Because even if you aren’t at the finish line, your journey is one to be celebrated. You’re greatness in the making—and that’s why our newest TV ad is dedicated to you and all you do as a creative entrepreneur. Here’s an exclusive preview.

More inspiration from sellers striving for greatness

Every entrepreneur’s journey is different, including the goals and challenges along the way. Read more about how these sellers overcame obstacles to make it work and beat the odds.

Sellers featured from left: Micha González, Shirley Bell, Shaina Adams, Rebecca Schoneveld, and Shuang Everett Li.

Micha González

“Sitting down at my workbench to create continues to be my lifeline,” says Mexico City-based jewelry designer Micha González, whose creative business was put to the test following a COVID-19 diagnosis in October of 2020.

“As the pandemic progressed, I started receiving many orders for custom pieces with engraved messages—messages of love, of hope, of strength. I’ve been able to see firsthand how important my designs can be to people, even in the midst of a catastrophe.”

Shirley Bell

Based in Jamestown, Rhode Island, artist Shirley Bell has been painting for more than 35 years and has more than 1,600 five-star reviews. Following a spinal cord injury at the age of 16, Shirley learned to navigate new challenges and explore fresh perspectives while using a wheelchair. Her hands were also affected by the injury, making the fluid nature of watercolor even more appealing. “There’s an ease once water and paint hit the paper,” Shirley explains. “There’s no physical struggle to the painting process.” Learn more Shirley's work and explore her sunny watercolor studio in her Inspiring Workspaces feature.

Paper Play + Wonder

“As a mother of three African-American kids, I felt a drive to create something for my children, and children like them, who were unaccustomed to seeing their likenesses in toys,” says San Antonio-based illustrator Shaina Adams. She developed her line of inclusive, illustrated coloring book pages and paper dolls in between homeschooling sessions. “One of my greatest joys when I launched my shop was to have my children come in, glance at my prints, and ask ‘Oh! Is that me?’” Read more about Shaina's story on the Etsy Journal.

Rebecca Schoneveld Bridal

Rebecca Schoneveld was 24, and her debut line of eco-friendly maternity wear was a bona fide hit, occupying the shelves of over 100 retailers, including major players like Nordstrom and Saks. Everything was going according to plan—until the economy crashed, shuttering shops and factories and forcing her out of business. “I was totally devastated,” she recalls. After a year of soul-searching, a startup project that didn’t quite get off the ground, an apartment fire that left her temporarily homeless, and—to top it all off—a surprise pregnancy, Rebecca found herself back at square one. “Nothing was working,” she says. “I realized I needed to take a deep breath and go back to the basics.” For Rebecca, that meant only one thing: dresses.


As she chugged away at her desk job in the financial-services industry, Shuang Everett Li couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that she needed to make a change. “The longer I stayed, the more it didn’t feel right,” she says. “The job paid well, but I knew I didn’t want to spend my days building spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations.” She yearned to make jewelry—despite having no formal training in the craft. “Jewelry that serves as a tangible source of courage and calm, and that emboldens others to take big, life-changing leaps of their own.”

Share your own story of #GreatnessInTheMaking

What hurdles have you overcome to achieve your business goals? We want to hear it! Inspire your community by sharing how you’re #GreatnessInTheMaking on social media.

Share how you’re #GreatnessInTheMaking on social media.
Avatar image for Etsy Staff Words by Etsy Staff

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