August 4, 2021 | 24 minute read

Podcast Transcript: How to Use 2021 Holiday Trends in Your Shop

Learn about the season's rising trends and how they can inform your keywords strategy to help you reach holiday shoppers.

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The following is a transcript of a podcast episode released in August 2021. The transcript has been edited slightly for this format. You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Or stream it via the Spotify player above.

Tess: Hey, Dayna! Great to have you as always. So it’s time to talk about holiday trends already. I’ve got a list of trends here that I need to know more about. We’re also going to talk about how to use these trends to inform your keywords and help you get found by holiday shoppers who are looking for what you have to offer. Then we’re going to answer some seller questions from the Forums.

Let’s start with some overarching themes. First, I want to talk about this idea of the maximalist holiday palette.

Dayna: We have all been at home for a very long time without celebrations, without family and friends. For the holiday season, it’s all about being a maximalist, meaning that people will want to be overly festive. I think all of us are really ready to be in a celebratory mind-set and are excited to host again and to celebrate with our friends and family. That’s the way that shoppers are going to approach this holiday season.

In terms of what is on the cusp of what’s to come for trends for the holiday season, you’ll absolutely continue to see those traditional colorways, without a doubt. But then you’ll also see the introduction of old school colorways, like white and silver sparkles, teal and warm golds. And then you’ll see the introduction of neons and even pastel tones. So I really think this is a time that shoppers are going to be just overly excited to decorate and to celebrate.

Tess: I want to talk about this trend that we discussed a little bit on the last episode which is cottagecore. I’ve heard that that trend, as well as nature in general, will continue into this holiday season.

Dayna: For those folks who didn’t get a chance to listen to our last episode, let me fill you in on cottagecore. Cottagecore is a trend that started coming around late last year, maybe even a little before then, that’s about stripping yourself of technology and really bringing it back to the basics. And celebrating nature and simplicity in almost every aspect of your life, whether that’s within cooking, whether that’s within decor. That cottagecore theme is really going to be sticking around.

And also on our last trend episode, one of the top trends was mushrooms. The mushroom shape, the mushroom form—any and everything mushroom-related has been on fire. I think that it’s continuing to do so well because it fits within that cottagecore overarching theme. I think we’ll continue to see that through the holiday season.

Another thing that’s tied to cottagecore that I would love for our sellers to consider would be items like dried flowers. Especially for the holiday season, because they can be incorporated in so many different ways in terms of decor. Things like wreaths, or items that can go on your table spread. I would really encourage our sellers to think about if this works for your shop. If so, is there a way for you to include it?

And when it comes to tags, let’s say you’re a wall art seller. I’d suggest adding tags like “woodland wall art” or “cottagecore wall art” to your listing. This is hopefully going to help all of those shoppers who are looking for this to discover your items more easily.

Tess: Yes, I definitely agree that it's a good idea to add keywords like “cottagecore decor” or “woodland decor” if that applies to what you’re selling. OK, what can you tell me about experiences and memory-making as a trend?

Dayna: Again, now that people are feeling a little more comfortable coming together and families want more experiences together and quality time, this is an opportunity for those DIY kits and these memory-making gifts to come back and continue to excite our shoppers. We saw that last year but I think it had a different meaning because you weren’t able to experience it in-person together. But now you can do it in-person as people are coming back together. I think this is another great opportunity for DIY kits. For example, those baking kits that did so well last year—I expect those to do well again this year.

One thing that I started seeing pop up from a few sellers that I think is so cool are these DIY pottery kits. I haven’t purchased one yet so I can’t tell you exactly how it works but I’ve seen sellers put listings up for either small bowls or mini vases, things like that. But anything that is DIY-focused or craft-related, I expect to do very well again this year.

And then of course, personalized gifts. Those memory making items that people open and they say, “Oh my God, this was made just for me.” That will continue to be of very high importance.

Tess: I never thought it would be possible to make a DIY kit for pottery. That’s so amazing. Leave it to Etsy sellers to figure out a way. Next up is sentimental gifting. What’s this all about?

Dayna: Again I think more than ever, friends and family really want to purchase items that make an impact on their loved one when they open the gift. It’s certainly not just been about a thing. I think whether people had difficult times financially or whether the difficulty was purely the distance and not being able to see their loved ones, it’s more important than ever to find that special item, that perfect gift.

And you know me, I always geek out on the numbers to give our sellers the real-time statistics on what people are searching for. So there’s been an 84% increase in searches on Etsy for heirloom, custom, or personalized gifts in the last three months. And that time frame is compared to the same time the previous year.

This is just more proof in the pudding of what shoppers are looking for in real time. I always try to set the stage for these numbers here so any time I’m sharing these stats that directly come from Etsy, it’s always going to be compared to the same time the previous year.

Tess: Yeah, I think it’s really great to keep in mind those search terms that you mentioned when tagging your items, if it applies. For example, sellers who make keepsake boxes might think about a tag like “wooden heirloom box.” Or I’m also seeing custom-made, engraved silverware where people can get their initials or special dates and things like that engraved. So “custom silverware” sounds like it would be a good tag to consider.

OK, let’s dive into some categories. First up, I want to talk about home and living. So there’s been a big boom in new homeowners. What’s that going to mean for sellers who are making items in that space?

Dayna: Yeah, I feel like everyone has moved or purchased a home. It’s very exciting, right? I think because of this, shoppers are wanting to decorate their homes. They’re excited. Whether that was an apartment move or a first-time home purchase, the point is that so many people are starting fresh. They want to go all out and make their home exactly the way they want, and they want to host. This is a great opportunity for our sellers to provide those special details that these shoppers are looking for. Whether it’s involving home decor, table decor needs, holiday decor, any of that.

I especially want to shout out to those sellers who specialize in housewarming gifts because for all of those people who will be hosting the party, there will also be the attendees. This is an opportunity for our sellers to create really wonderful housewarming gifts. Because the proof is in the numbers. On Etsy, there’s been a 56% increase in searches for custom or personalized cheese boards in the last three months. And again, this is always compared to the same time the previous year. So this is a specific item that’s on the rise.

One other one that I like, especially when we think about where we are in the world right now, is wine charms. There’s been a 34% increase in searches on Etsy for wine charms in the last three months.

Tess: Wait, I don’t drink so what’s a wine charm?

Dayna: You know what? You don’t have to drink to use a wine charm. A wine charm is like a glass accessory, or a drink accessory. They come in all shapes and sizes, whether it’s a little clip-on around the stem of a glass or a clip that can go on the rim of the glass.

The purpose of a wine charm is to identify whose drink is whose. It’s really wonderful, especially during these times because people are still very cautious and making sure they're staying safe. I expect that we’ll continue to see shoppers be interested in wine charms because it’s very of-the-moment. It’s also just another element of festive touch to someone’s party. And they’re just really cute.

But back to thinking about these people who have recently moved, and the people who are attending the party and want to bring a gift. We’re gearing up for this very festive time of year, right? So there’s been a 34% increase in searches on Etsy for host gifts in the last three months, and a 30% increase in searches on Etsy for gift boxes in the last three months. I think that’s just another example of really wonderful things that people can bring to these celebrations and also it’s a great gift option for the holiday season.

Tess: And when you say gift boxes, you’re referring to things like baskets and sets of gifts, right?

Dayna: Exactly, yes.

Tess: Got it. Again, I think if any of those terms apply to what you make in your shop—custom cheese boards, wine charms, host gifts, gift boxes—those are all great to think about adding into your tags because shoppers are looking for them.

So new home owners will be hosting in person for the first time. I imagine that generally speaking, more people will be celebrating the holidays in person this year, too.

Dayna: Oh yeah, absolutely. I think more families are going to be celebrating in person with larger groups or they’re going to just be going all out for their nuclear family and having a few friends or family over. But I think the key takeaway here is that people want to celebrate and they want to bring people together. I want sellers to think about every piece of detail that comes with holiday celebrations. Think about ornaments, table linens, place settings, serving ware, stockings, fashion, accessories. All the wonderful ingredients that bring a festive touch to the holiday season.

Tess: Speaking of fashion, I want to hear about the trends in clothing. I know that we talked about comfort and relaxed silhouettes last time you were on the show. What’s the status on that and what else should we expect to pop up?

Dayna: The best of both worlds is going to be popular. We’ve got half of a shopper base who loves this newfound style of being comfortable at all times. And then you have this other subset of shoppers who want to ditch the sweats and get fully dressed up and get back into being super fancy.

The shopper who wants to be more comfortable, will still want to be festive. So they’ll step it up a notch with richer materials like loose-fitting velvet. All of these really comfortable items but that are a little more luxe.

And then the shopper who wants to get all dressed up, refresh their jewelry, and refresh their clothing. It reminds me of a Roaring Twenties renaissance, where people really want to take it up a notch, go all out, and just look really fabulous.

The other thing I think I would love for our sellers to consider, too, is that these holiday celebrations will bring the return of the ugly Christmas sweater. And you know, family matching sweatshirts for the holidays. All of these super festive items that are about celebrating the season.

Tess: Relatedly, I want to talk about jewelry and accessories. So I’ve heard there are some exciting materials on the rise for jewelry. Tell me everything.

Dayna: Last year, jewelry was top of mind for a lot of people because we were talking about above-the-keyboard dressing. You focused on the neck and the ears up and that’s it. So for this holiday season, I think we’re going to see shoppers wanting to expand that jewelry collection and really make an entrance for their upcoming gathering because so many of us have not seen our friends and family in over a year, maybe even longer for some people. This is a moment of making a grand entrance and saying, “Hey, I’m back!” And really feel good about the way that they’re presenting themselves.

For our jewelry sellers, both vintage and handmade, statement jewelry is going to continue to be top of mind. In terms of materials we’re starting to see interest in porcelain and other ceramics, which is very special. I’m a big fan of seeing the way the material can be molded into new shapes.

The holiday season is also very special for our community at Etsy because it kicks off engagement season. For vintage sellers, I really encourage you to increase your inventory of beautiful engagement rings. Of course this applies to handmade sellers as well, but for vintage sellers, this is a time for you to consider adding those tags like “vintage wedding ring.” Especially now because so many people are specifically looking for very unique engagement rings, whether that’s a colorful stone, any non-diamond, or a vintage diamond, or handmade. But the point is that I think more than ever people are straying away from cookie-cutter and really wanting something that reflects their personality.

Tess: So moving on to accessories, can we talk about how people are going to be staying cozy in the winter months?

Dayna: Yes, I want to call out that cozy layers are continuing to rise in popularity and this is a great way for vintage sellers to jump in on curating really beautiful items in your shop like capes. This is a big moment for vintage capes. Blanket jackets, oversized scarves. I think this is where vintage sellers can really shine.

And, of course, handmade sellers this is an opportunity for you as well. What I love about these particular layers that people are shopping for is that not only is it a great thing for shoppers to purchase for themselves, but it’s also such a great giftable item for the holiday season.

Tess: OK, are there any other accessories trends that we haven’t discussed?

Dayna: Yes! So, now that people are traveling again and wanting to get out and explore, this is a time that travel necessities are going to be great ideas for gifts, especially for the holiday season. Here’s what I want our sellers to think about: jewelry wraps for traveling, jewelry boxes, anything that’s going to keep a traveler more organized and ready to accessorize for their trip.

Let’s break it down by the numbers. There’s been a 114% increase in searches on Etsy for travel jewelry cases in the last three months. Again, I’m about to give you a few numbers so keep in mind that this is compared to the same time the previous year. We’ve seen a 60% increase in searches on Etsy for passport holders. Again, this is just showing that people are ready to get back out there again and they’re ready to accessorize. These are great, giftable items here.

What else do you need when you’re traveling? You’ve got your travel jewelry cases, you’ve got your passport holder. Then there's your luggage. We’ve seen a 42% increase in searches on Etsy for luggage tags in the last three months. Think about all these wonderful travel necessities that are super functional but can also be very fashionable.

We’ve talked about how much personalization makes an impact, and both passport holders and luggage tag holders are great options for our sellers to offer personalization. So if this is something that you create, you can make it a gift set, like you might offer a set of luggage tag holders together with a personalized passport holder. And when you break down the numbers, there’s a 61% increase in searches on Etsy for custom or personalized luggage tags and a 37% increase in searches on Etsy for a custom or personalized passport holder.

Tess: Yes, so if you make accessories that fit into any of these descriptions, this is what people are searching for. So if it’s relevant, these terms like “travel jewelry case” or “custom luggage tags,” are good think about.

Our next trend is in the paper and party category. Can you tell me about how nature is going to be showing up there?

Dayna: Cottagecore theme all around, yet again. But I would especially love for our sellers to think about woodland creatures like foxes or owls and even consider things like evergreen trees. Anything that has that beautiful nature backdrop. I think this is something for you all to consider as more people want to start gathering again and want to go all out for their wrapping. So for our sellers who are illustrators maybe this is a great way for you to offer this theme in wrapping paper. And for our paper goods sellers, it’s time for you to start amping up and thinking about your invitation inventory because, again, more celebrations are happening.

Tess: It’s never too early to get started thinking about New Year’s Eve inventory. I heard indulgence is going to be a big theme this year. Can you tell me about that?

Dayna: Yes, so for many people New Year’s Eve celebrations are coming back. I’m very excited about that. This means that shoppers want to discover invitations. They want to discover great party decor, accessories, and show-stopping outfits. They just want to look and feel their best. I think that we’re going to see a Roaring Twenties moment to really bring on the opulence.

I want sellers to think about materials like sequins or faux fur. And in terms of items, think about statement jewelry again. And when we break it down to what people are searching for in real time, there’s been a 29% increase in searches on Etsy for drop waist dresses in the last three months and a 52% increase in searches on Etsy for flapper dresses in the last three months.

Tess: For vintage clothing sellers, I think it’s great to keep an eye out for those styles when you’re sourcing items for your shop because this is what shoppers are looking for.

Before I get into our lightning round questions from the Forums, I want to talk a bit about some of Etsy’s holiday bestsellers. I was thinking that could be helpful especially for any sellers who are newer to the platform, to just get a sense of what typically sells well on Etsy around the holidays.

Dayna: I think the really wonderful thing is that so many shoppers are either brand new to Etsy or have never discovered some of the things that are tried-and-true. So I predict that these are going to continue to “wow” shoppers, especially those who are new to the platform:

Personalized puzzles, especially kids’ name puzzles. Custom and personalized portraits, especially those who have moved into a new space. Shoppers might want an illustration of the new home with the new homeowners standing in the front yard. Personalized name necklaces. Ornaments, stockings, charcuterie boards. Remember we were just talking about personalized cheese boards? That’s tried-and-true. Mugs, gift boxes, and, of course, greeting cards for the holiday season.

Tess: All great options to think about if they apply to your shop. So now let’s get into the questions that we sourced from sellers through the Etsy Forums.

The first question is from Minnesota Nice Finds: “Are handmade Christmas clay earrings—like a Christmas tree, tree ornaments, etc—commonly bought and popular around Christmastime?”

Dayna: It’s hard to say specifics on the type of materials for Christmas earrings, but what I can say is that Christmas celebrations will be back in full swing and shoppers are very excited and looking to be completely filled with the Christmas spirit. I think that that’s going to make items like Christmas sweaters and Christmas-themed jewelry very popular. I say go for it on Christmas tree-themed earrings.

Tess: Moonbeam Gifts says, “I’m curious about leading colors. More traditional or will we see a surge of something unique like the black and gold run?”

Dayna: Oh, I remember the black and gold run. I think because last year so many of us were not able to gather, this year is going to bring so much excitement for holiday home decor. I think shoppers are going to be looking for the classics—silver and gold, red and green. But then, like I said earlier, I think we’re also going to see a mix of non-traditional combinations like pastels and neon tones as well.

Tess: Painting the Sky Kingdm says, “I’m a watercolor artist. I’d like to know if original paintings seem to sell for the holidays as presents and if so, what subject matter?”

Dayna: I think shoppers are going to be going all out for holiday decor this year and I think that wall art is a part of that. What I would suggest is that you offer holiday prints as digital downloads so that they’re very easily accessible and shoppers can easily swap it out once the holiday season has wrapped. And in terms of gifting art, there is absolutely an opportunity for people to gift that, especially for those people who have new homes and want new art in that home.

Tess: Jewels and Wools says, “I’d like to know how much more likely customers are to purchase a Christmas item if it is personalizable. I’m thinking of Christmas stockings in luxury-type fabrics.”

Dayna: Yes, yes, yes. And yes, to personalizing options. I think offering personalization is always going to set your product apart from the others. It’s absolutely one of the main reasons why shoppers come to Etsy. Now is the time that I’m going to challenge you to think about the different personalization options that you can offer your customers.

Tess: Our next question comes from Breezy Tee and she says, “As always, I’m interested in accessory trends. Any colors or patterns that we should be aware of for hats, scarves, etc? Also, should we expect these trends to carry over to 2022? Are self-care items still going to be big as people come out of the pandemic?”

Dayna: Hey Breezy Tee! Always a pleasure to hear from you. As far as colors for the holiday season: color, color, color and more color. Shoppers are really wanting to express their personalities and add a sense of joy after being home for so long. I think the more bright, cheerful colors you can add, the better.

I also do think that self-care is going to remain a priority because we’re not totally out of the woods yet. So people are keeping their self-care top of mind. And people want to stay calm and relaxed and they want to keep health a priority because we’re still not out of it quite yet.

As far as carry over to 2022, I expect it to. I think it’s still a little early to tell for 2022 because so much is changing so quickly, especially when you think of it on a global scale and we’re all at very different places right now. For right now though, as things have been carrying over from last year, I think we can expect some carry over. I do think that the bright colors will for sure stay around.

Tess: Retro Baby Clothes Art wants to know about trends in children’s clothes.

Dayna: Cottagecore is going to be the main source of inspiration. I would love for you to think about woodland creatures like foxes and owls. Again, think about those nature themes and also bright colors. Because just as adults want to feel happy and have these wonderful, cheerful colors, I think this will stand true for children’s wear as well.

Tess: Des Des Vintage says, “Do people buy vintage Christmas gifts? I don’t mean antiques or unique collectibles, but more day-to-day homeware and decor, including vintage clothing?”

Dayna: Yes, I think now more than ever. Because purchasing vintage items is also a way of choosing to shop more sustainably. I think these specific shoppers who are making very conscious decisions are absolutely looking for clothes, ornaments, home decor, vintage ceramic trees, and brooches. You name it, they’re searching. I think vintage is absolutely a winner for the holiday season. Earlier we were talking about vintage capes and those layering pieces and fashion and jewelry. Vintage is a winner for the holiday season.

Tess: Paper Florists says, “Are buffalo check decorations and ornaments going to be as popular this holiday season as they were last year?”

Dayna: This one is hard to tell because buffalo check pajamas and ornaments and stockings were so huge last year that because of the momentum it had, I’m not sure if it’s going to have the same demand this year. But the one thing that is true that I would hope that you keep in mind is that there’s always a little carryover from the previous season.

Think about tie-dye. How many times have we talked about tie-dye? I keep thinking it’s going to slow down, and it keeps going. Perhaps buffalo check will see the same excitement and momentum again this year, especially for those people who didn’t experience and purchase it last year.

Tess: Our last question comes from My Domos who says, “Coming out of the pandemic and with all the concerns about global warming, will people buy more eco-friendly products? Is buying environmentally conscious products a solid trend?”

Dayna: Here’s the thing: I don’t even think we can call this a trend anymore because this is a way of life that shoppers are pivoting to. They are continuously making conscious decisions to make more sustainable choices in all of their purchases. I think there’s absolutely going to continue to be more and more demand for sustainable products. So absolutely offer it in your shop because again, a trend is something that goes and comes back and it’s ever-evolving. But I don’t think sustainable purchasing is a trend, again, I think it’s a way of life.

Avatar image for Etsy Staff Words by Etsy Staff

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