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How to Craft a Killer About Section

Telling the story behind your business can create a connection with customers – and boost your visibility. Learn how Etsy sellers are doing just that.

Avatar image for Kailin Witte by Kailin Witte
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Shoppers come to Etsy to buy from real people. Getting to see the person behind the products can give them greater confidence to make a purchase, and learning your personal story can inspire loyalty to your brand. Your shop’s about section is a great way to take prospective buyers behind the scenes of your passion and process in order to deepen their understanding of what makes your shop so special. It can also spark unexpected opportunities, including press coverage, collaborations, and new opportunities.

But figuring out the best way to put your shop’s story into words—and images—might seem daunting. With that in mind, here are four tips to get you started.

1. Tell Your Shop's Origin Story

Sharing key backstory details, including the initial creative spark, notable milestones and how your business has evolved, can help shoppers (and whoever else may be reading your about section) connect with your brand on a personal level.

“When a shop's about section delves into specific real-life journeys and turning points—like overcoming adversity, inventing a new product to meet a need, how the business has affected the person's life—that can be a signal that there could be a good story there,” says Katy Svehaug, a Senior Content Strategist at Etsy.

One popular approach is featuring a memorable story describing how your shop got started. If you develop a case of writer’s block when you sit down to write your story, imagine you’re explaining it to a customer at a craft fair or to a new acquaintance. Then, put those words to paper.

A preview of Jessica Little's about section, featuring a woman wearing statement earrings
Jewelry designer Jessica Little uses her about section to share the origins of her shop, along with her business ethos and a nod to her target audience.

2. Captivate With Beautiful Photos and Video

High-quality images are another key to great about sections. This is your chance to give customers a behind-the-scenes look at your company, so include images of yourself practicing your craft in your workspace.

If you’re hoping to attract press coverage, aim to include a variety of professional-level, high-resolution photos. Bonus points if you take it one step further by adding a video! This shows you’ll be ready with the good stuff if the press comes a-knocking. If hiring a photographer isn’t in your budget, just keep the basics of strong product photography in mind: Flattering natural light, simple backgrounds, and props or styling to add context.

Types of imagery to include in your about section and pitches to press:

  • A photo highlighting your range of products or your products in context: These types of photos are about capturing the viewer’s imagination and telling a story. If you make paintings, show some of your pieces arranged beautifully on a wall. If you’re a potter, show some of your excellent tableware displayed on a kitchen shelf or in a dining room setting. Take some close-up detail shots and some shots that show the whole room. These photos are also great for your listings and press outreach.
  • A photo of your studio or workspace: Natural light is often the way to go with photography, but if the room is too dark even in the daytime, set up some lights. Tidy up your work area, or if a workspace crammed with stuff is your vibe, make sure it’s artfully portrayed.
  • A photo of your creative process: Get some action shots of you in the midst of making. Don’t be afraid to strike some natural poses and style these shots as you would a magazine shoot. Arrange your supplies, tools, and background just so, make sure your outfit, hair and makeup are done the way you like it. Capture some of the action. Experiment with different angles, and if you’re shooting solo, consider using a tripod and timer to expand your options.
  • A photo of you: This is a high-quality portrait of you looking your best. Like any good portrait, it gets across your vibe and makes you look good, reflecting your personality and your brand.

To make the strongest impression possible, the imagery in your about section should feel cohesive with the rest of your shop branding. Check out Customizing the Look of Your Shop Home to learn more about tying the visual elements of your storefront together.

A preview of Shujan Bertrand's about section, featuring an array of canvas bags holding colorful produce
Designer Shujan Bertrand of San Francisco-based Aplat Tote showcases a range of products in her About section, so shoppers can find inspiration at a glance.
A preview of Shirley Bell's about section, featuring the artist painting a watercolor across from a grassy field
Watercolor artist Shirley Bell’s about section includes a photo of her painting while on location near her home in Jamestown, Rhode Island, giving potential customers a behind-the-scenes look at her process and inspiration.
A preview of Jeanette Zeis' about section, with a close up shot of hands holding a ceramic that's being glazed meticulously
Jeanette Zeis of Portland, Oregon-based shop Jeanette Zeis Ceramics highlights the handmade nature of her designs with a detailed process photo.

3. Show Off What Makes You Unique

Highlight unique materials, production processes, and anything else that might help your shop stand out in both your written description and your visuals.

“Have you ever had an idea that you thought was too strange to utter out loud?” says designer Amy Brown in her about section. “I am the ear you should whisper that [idea] in, and when I repeat it out loud it will become something you can hold in your hands.” Amy sells inventive stuffed creations in her San Jose, California based shop, Jumbo Jibbles, and encourages shoppers to request custom orders when inspiration strikes.

A preview of Amy Brown's about section, featuring a woman embracing an oversized stuffed strawberry plush
Amy Brown of Jumbo Jibbles creates oversized veggies and other soft sculptures that make a big impression, and she carries the playful nature of her products through to her about section.

4. Meet and Greet

When you include photos and information about you and your shop members on your about section, you put a friendly, approachable face on your business.

A preview of Bread & Jam's about section, a smiling woman and man sitting together
Catherine and Jamie, the wife and husband team behind the playful home goods and accessories shop Bread & Jam, feature a welcoming portrait in their about section.
A preview of Jordan Clarke's about section, featuring a woman standing at a stylish booth displaying her jewelry designs
In her about section, jewelry designer Jordan Clarke of Toronto-based shop Enarmoured shares a photo from her booth at a recent in-person sales event, another way to build credibility with potential customers.
A preview of the Smile Mercantile Craft Company about section, featuring a video highlighting an array of vintage-inspired supplies
To give shoppers a better sense of her Seattle-based business, Valerie Lloyd, owner of Smile Mercantile Craft Company, includes an engaging video in her about section.

List all of your shop members (including yourself), and list any outside production assistance you use. Recent photos of you, your shop members, and your workspace will provide a window into your day-to-day business and what makes your story compelling. Including links to your current, up-to-date social media accounts from your shop makes it easier for readers to learn more.

Once you've fine-tuned your about section, check out Tips for Getting Featured on Etsy to learn more about optimizing your shop for press and other opportunities.

Avatar image for Kailin Witte Words by Kailin Witte

Kailin Witte is a senior editor at Etsy. In addition to writing, she enjoys dabbling in watercolors, traveling, dancing, organizing like a pro, chopping veggies in her kitchen, and strolling for miles with a good audiobook.

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