September 19, 2023 | 11 minute read

Tips for Getting Featured on Etsy

Observe these dos and don’ts to improve your chances of getting featured by Etsy’s editors, merchandisers, and Social Media team.

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Ever dreamed of seeing your products appear in Etsy emails or your shop story told on Etsy’s blogs? If you’re like many shop owners, you’ve probably wondered, “How can I get featured?” To some extent, the answer depends on the specific channel and feature. For example, an Etsy Merchandising Specialist creating an Etsy Finds email around a certain theme might look for different things, than say, a Seller Handbook editor looking to interview sellers who can share savvy business tips.

“The goal of Etsy Finds emails is to drive traffic to Etsy,” says Rachel Refo, Merchandising Manager for Etsy’s Jewelry & Accessories category. “The goal of Editors' Picks is to drive traffic into the marketplace where shoppers can discover the depth and breadth of what is offered.” With the aim of generating more sales throughout the marketplace, Etsy’s Merchandising team seeks out products that are relevant to each merchandising campaign. “For example, with a gifting campaign, we would consider price point, size and scale, and relevancy for gifting recipients [i.e. for grandmothers, for her, for teens, etc.],” says Rachel. For the Etsy Blog’s Featured Shop series, the team looks for shops that have strong branding, great customer service and a compelling product line, Rachel explains.

Another type of feature the Merchandising team supports is the “Etsy's Pick” badge, which buyers can see in search results and on the listing page. Etsy’s Picks are items chosen by Etsy style experts from shops that have shown quality, reliability, and style:

  • Quality: The item comes from a shop which may be well-rated by buyers
  • Reliability: The shop gives a great customer experience, such as shipping orders on time and resolving customer issues
  • Style: The item has elevated photography and presentation

The badge helps buyers easily identify special and unique items, so they can shop confidently, knowing your item represents the best of Etsy. Selected items are reviewed daily to ensure the quality and reliability factors are maintained, and items highlighted may change over time. Sellers don’t pay or apply to have their products considered for the badge.

When looking for Etsy shops to feature for the Quit Your Day Job and Inspiring Workspaces series on the Seller Handbook blog, senior editor Katy Svehaug is after a great story. She's always on the hunt for compelling stories that reflect the rich diversity of Etsy shop owners and their experiences selling a variety of products from around the globe. “We look for fresh perspectives and striking spaces to which other Etsy sellers might relate, learn something new or find inspiration,” says Katy.

Though the selection process differs by channel, there are common qualities that editors and merchandisers look for when choosing products and shops to highlight. There are so many incredible products and shops on Etsy, that we can't showcase them all, but following these tips will give your shop a better chance of getting featured.

Make your shop easy to find

Before they can get featured, your items must get found. Use search-friendly titles and tags to make it easy to find your shop and items in Etsy search. Choose straightforward, descriptive titles that contain the most important words at the beginning. Use all available tags, selecting words and phrases that people are likely to search for when looking for your item. Learn more in our Ultimate Guide to Etsy Search.

Focus on photography

Striking photographs are a direct way to catch someone’s eye. Highly-stylized, editorial-style photos (similar to what you might see in a magazine or on a style blog) can make a strong first impression and pique interest. Use all photo spots to ensure variety, reserving some spots for straightforward shots that capture your product’s details. Keep it clean—take crisp, in-focus photos in a bright, uncluttered environment with plenty of natural light, and avoid using watermarks in your images. Using seasonal props and placing your products in context can be a great way to fit your product into larger trends and lifestyle stories. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Product Photography to get started.

Develop your brand

Developing a cohesive, recognizable brand identity will make you stand out on Etsy and elsewhere. “The best thing you can do to improve your likelihood of getting any feature, both on Etsy or outside of Etsy, is to develop your brand through careful building of your image presentation and product line,” suggests Rachel. “We look for editorial qualities that all other press outlets look for, such as good product photography, unique items and beautiful visual branding.” You can also highlight your branding through your shop graphics, packaging and your About section.

Ship smoothly

It’s important for buyers to know when their order will arrive. Update your processing times to accurately reflect your workflow and set clear expectations with shoppers. Shipping labels on Etsy also help automate important steps in the fulfillment process. When you buy a domestic or international label on Etsy, we’ll fill in the buyer’s address and automatically mark the order as shipped. Tracking is included on most services, so shoppers can rest easy knowing when their orders will arrive.

When available, using shipping labels purchased on Etsy also positively impacts your Star Seller shipping score. Plus, purchasing a shipping label on Etsy is a great way to help ensure your order’s eligibility for Etsy’s Purchase Protection program.

Tell your story

A completed and well-crafted About section can help you get found for a feature. Katy keeps a running list of interesting About sections and the intriguing tidbits she discovers there. “When a shop's About section delves into specific real-life journeys and turning points—overcoming adversity, inventing a new product to meet a need, how the business has affected the person's life—this is a sign that there could be a good story here,” Katy says. “Without this type of meaty information, it's harder to discover a potential profile-worthy story.” In addition to filling your About section with a written description of your brand’s origin story, your creative process and what inspires you, use photos and video to capture where you work. “For the Inspiring Workspaces series, I love to see photos of people's workspaces, tools, and processes and reading the backstory of how the person found the space and learned the skill,” says Katy. You may also pitch your story using the Seller Handbook pitch form. “I comb through the Seller Handbook pitch form and keep an ongoing list of suggestions from fellow Etsy Admin from across the company,” says Katy.

Be transparent

Use your About section to share who works for your business. List all of your shop members (including yourself), and list any outside production assistance you use. Recent photos of you, your shop members, and your workspace will provide a window into your day-to-day business and what makes your story compelling. Including links to your current, up-to-date social media accounts from your shop makes it easier for readers to learn more.

Sell great products

Products are at the core of your business. Spending time to develop a strong product collection, and making the effort to keep it fresh, will increase the likelihood that your shop gets noticed. When designing or revamping your product line, consider assortment, the cohesiveness of your shop and how your products may fit into current trends. The more products you list, the more chances you have to be discovered. Read Develop a Winning Product in 5 Easy Steps for tips.

Model excellence

The Star Seller badge is a way for Etsy to reward shops that consistently offer an excellent customer experience in the areas we know are important to buyers: responding to messages quickly, shipping and tracking, and review ratings. Shops with a Star Seller badge also have an increased chance of being featured in Etsy buyer marketing. You can track your progress towards Star Seller in your personalized dashboard, and earn badges for each of the main criteria areas along the way.

You can also draw positive attention to your shop by being an active, helpful community member and adhering to Etsy’s Community Policy. Plus, learn more about the basics of Etsy’s Service Level Standards in the Help Center.

Bonus tips from Etsy's Social Media team

Much like all the above tips here, the Etsy Social Media team has a few additional things they look out for when featuring sellers on the Etsy social accounts. Here are a few of their recommendations.

  • Keep your social media accounts active: There’s nothing worse than finding someone to feature only to have inactive social media accounts.
  • Post a variety of content: While the social team sometimes pulls directly from listing photos, they often source from seller’s Instagram accounts, so be sure to not only post listing photos, but in-process videos, behind the scenes content, and product grouping shots.
  • Use hashtags: The social team often pulls from #etsy for features, so be sure you’re tagging your posts to help them find you more easily.
  • Link in bio: Be sure that the link in your bio directs followers to your Etsy shop! While this isn’t a requirement, it does help when the team is selecting which accounts to feature.
  • Engage: Interact with Etsy content across social platforms. The social team likes to feature sellers who are also active within the larger community.

Things to avoid

Here are a few factors that could make it difficult for your shop or items to get featured by Etsy:

  • Lack of originality: Take care to cultivate your unique point of view. Make sure your items do not infringe on anyone’s intellectual property or other rights. Consult a legal expert like an attorney with any questions and make sure that you have permission to use the images, designs, or other content you use in your work, where applicable. Be sure to review Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy. Create original work by making trends your own and developing your own personal style. Learn more in our Ultimate Guide to Intellectual Property.

  • Missing information: Are any elements of your shop incomplete? Filling in any holes, such as shop location, can make your shop appear more trustworthy and more featurable. (It also helps Etsy editors when they are looking for shops in a certain locale.) Filling out your Shop Policies is a quick, easy way to put your customers at ease. Learn how to create clear Policies in a single step. Add any graphic elements that are missing from your shop, such as your shop icon, cover photo and profile photo. Read The Ultimate Guide to Telling Your Etsy Shop’s Visual Story for tips on creating a visually compelling brand.

  • Policy violations: Familiarize yourself with Etsy’s Seller Policy and House Rules to make sure your shop is compliant. Find a full list of requirements for being featured here.

While it’s not possible to feature all the amazing products on Etsy, Admin are always looking to discover new shops and items. Follow the tips above to get more eyes on your shop.

Follow Etsy Success on Instagram and Facebook for more advice and inspiration on running an Etsy shop.

Submit your shop through Etsy’s Seller Story Submission Form

Return to the Ultimate Guide to Starting an Etsy Shop

Avatar image for Etsy Staff Words by Etsy Staff

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